
Deacon fallout 4
Deacon fallout 4deacon fallout 4

1st is at the Diamond City as him being a DC guard 2nd at Good Neighbour as him begin a drifter and 3rd him being as a caravan trader at Bunker hill. All romanceable companions +Maxson, Deacon, Nick, X6-88 and friendDogmeat. As you may know, when you discover the Railroad you are met by Desdemona who. Before meeting him you can spot him spying on you on few places. Deacon has a secret dialogue line if youre an absolute nobody in Fallout 4. If you don't equip a specific set of clothes/armor for him, his. Deacon is the Railroad Spy as he can be seen on the commonwealth place but he is hidden and disguise since he is a spy. Deacon is an optional Companion and can be obtained after completing the initial Railroad quests, Road to Freedom and Tradecraft. Setessential (baseID) 0 Allows the NPC to be killed. Use the resurrect command to revive him if you want him back. If youre seriously asking me if you need to delete windows, you need to stop touching things and find someone who knows what theyre doing.

deacon fallout 4

Dont have any saves to go back to and waiting/leaving dont seem to help. Click on deacon then enter the command for it to work. Deacon is at the quest marker but he wont talk to me. What he says is based off what side quests youve completed and the decisions youve made. setessential 00045ac9 0 Allows deacon to be permanently killed. Hey guys today I am going to talk about Deacon he is also my 2nd favourite companion in Fallout 4 and please tell me down in the comment if I am wrong about Deacon or misspelled any letters so.ĭeacon is part of a secret organization's called The Railroad their task is to help the Synths escape from the the Institute slavery and for a chance for them to have 2nd chance and to live without fear. As we all know, when you first find the Railroad beneath the Church, Desdemona is skeptical of the player, but Deacon comes out and vouches for the player.

Deacon fallout 4